Thursday 1 August 2013

Small business marketing - advertising on a budget

Blow your SME trumpet!
Here's how the conversation usually goes:

SME: "I need to get noticed online, how can I get a greater presence on the web?"

E-Marketer: "Have you heard of Facebook sponsored posts, or Google Adwords- we can ensure you're on the first page of Google. LinkedIn have just started promoted posts too, watch out don't miss that"...


-Click here to jump to saving money on SME marketing-

Before committing any budget to online marketing, consider cheaper, more sustainable forms of marketing- small business advertising can be done on a budget, it mostly revolves around people, building relationships and writing useful content for your target audience.

"Engage with people, talk about what your interests are.
Filling a twitter stream with artificial, or ‘sell, sell,sell’ tweets will only attract more of the same." - Entrepreneurs Thoughts 'No one will do your social media for you'

It's not necessary to be on all social media sites- it's impractical 

Whilst it's important to secure your business name on the popular social media (SM) sites to avoid impersonators of your brand- it's not relevant to be on every social media site.

SM sites are maturing into niches, spend time on those which better match your business, for example a business selling eye catching jewellery is better suited to dedicating time to sites like Pinterest, and Tumblr over a business selling consultancy services which would be better suited submitting articles to relevant news sites or journals.

-Remember 'place' from the 7Ps of marketing

Don't waste time and resources by spreading your efforts across multiple SM sites, identify the suitable social media platform (remembering 'place' the 7p's of marketing) for your service or product. It's better to choose one, and do it very well than spread efforts to thinly across multiple platforms.
SM is a two-way medium:
don't talk at people, talk with them.

Social Platform Niche
Pinterest Image driven, does your product / service produce eye catching imagery. Pinterest users are aspirational, 'pinnings' items they like, think are worth sharing, or plan to buy. For example, restaurants, jewellery shops and clothing flourish on Pinterest.
Twitter Rumours, news and gossip travels fast on Twitter- it is a very disposable medium therefore understand messages have a short shelf life (as does yesterdays news). Does your SME operate in PR, news, events or gossip sectors? Choose the platform which matches your Product and match this with the Place which you conduct your SM marketing.
Facebook Facebook's demographics began as predominantly students in America (Varenc MIT) but saw immense growth of the 55+ age bracket of 922% between 2009 - 2010 (istrategylabs 2010). To engage with Facebook, take part in popular Facebook groups related to your industry- 'info-graphics' work well on Faceook, as text simply isn't engaging enough to grab attention. 

Make genuine connections with real people

Traditionally marketing was an extremely passive activity whereby the receiver of your message could not easily engage or respond to your message. 
  • Welcome people's feedback (both negative & positive)
  • Encourage sharing*
  • Ask questions
*Especially true larger organisations who are not akin to the new sharing culture of the internet- rather than patrolling and guarding content on copyright  (images, text, video) promote sharing of this to benefit from exposure to a larger audience.

Save money with efficient marketing

Time investment

"If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?" -John Wooden
Remember that on-line marketing is a two-way thing, ask questions, put forward your offerings but remember SM sites are not the place for blatant adverts. Instead, submit pictures of your craftsmanship-- a restaurant for example or debate the current fashion in clothing.
Take 3 minutes and jot down three topics, questions or phrases which relate to your SME that a customer might be interested in. Phrase them as a question and you've then completed the first step to creating interesting engaging posts.

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